Ullu App is set to drop a new web series on 13th August 2024, titled “Sona”. The series stars the talented actress Malvika Tomar, Shyna Khatri and Priya Gamre.
Sona Web Series Lead Cast
Malvika Tomar
Shyna Khatri
Priya Gamre
Here’s how to watch Sona on Ullu:
- Launch the Ullu app on your device (phone, tablet, smart TV, etc.).
- Ensure you have an active Ullu subscription. You’ll need to log in if you aren’t already.
- Browse for “Sona .” There are a few ways to do this:
- Use the search function in the Ullu app.
- Browse through the Ullu categories until you find “Sona” (it might be under “Comedy,” “Crime,” or another relevant category).
- Once you find “Sona” select it.
- Press play to start watching “Sona“